Saturday, September 5, 2009

scul is fun...

24th august 09 was a special of my life..First day in elizabeth moir school, where i got to meet lotta new people, since end of o/lvl last yr nov i've been doing nothin n after a looong vacation here i'm..with high hopes n determination to do best of my potential...
Got new friends n indeed, first day in A level..First day ws a looong day…from 8:00 am to 3:20 pm. Ah..I was so tired and wanted the session to end. As me, and other Muslims were fasting; we had to spend break and lunch time without doing anything. However, I enjoyed watching guys playing on the basketball court and some juniors playing cricket..Thank god the uniform is not all white..Otherwise those guys and some girls too, they’ll be such a mess..Furthermore I enjoyed chemistry class..not really but as I got the warning before by one of the chemistry student who had to quit chemistry cox of the teacher, everybody says that nobody likes her. Its true…everybody’s scared of her...but i love the subject so I can’ t take the teacher as a major problem and ruin the subject..And I’ve been thinking about ways to sort this I think my plan works :P..Ask few doubts u hav regarding the lessons, not anything she explained, but some questions from chemistry books you refer..It impresses her…and maths …I don’t know why I chose math when I hate maths. I am doing something I am crap at..but I am really working on it…trying to figure out ways to improve my addition to all the good things, bio was reeali good cox I love the subject and got good teachers. Both bio teachers are sweet and interestin XD..
2 weeks finished….omg 2 weeks..time runs fast…n nw i dnt feel like its a looong day..overall experience is good so far, except for maths..spending most of the free time in library and yeah one thing….i dnt hate assemblies this time cox I find it better than other schools I’ve been…but I hate da ppl who sit n gossip near the entrance to the lockers….reeali it irritates me…
Joining art club was a stupid thing..but as the president was a Maldivian friend and also she encouraged us to join saying we don’t have to be good in drawing .but u jux hav to be creative and u cn hav loads of fun..anyway I think I’ll have fun…n eman kinda forced me to join drama cox I ws reeali not able to decide which club to join…once u sign up, u hav to stick with it n its I ddn want to regret later…I love drama….amelia impressed us by her speech so lotta new kids joined drama…
I miss fulhun n all…not that I dnt hav gud frnds here…but dear frnds..u guys are n will b always close to my heart…n thnx to new frnds for byng soo sweet n welcumin…

Saturday, July 4, 2009

some good old days...

when i finished o level in aminiya and went back to my homeland (thinadhoo) i had a grea time to spend time with family and relatives which i've missed for almost 3yrs...and i had a good experience as i had to do something i really hated to do..but guess what...i jux lurrvd them..teaching was something which really doesn't suit me..however, i could not reject the offers i was gettin from many parents to give tuition..hence, i had to teach children of different ages..i had a busy time but in a good wasn't as hard as i dreamt of..atleast i was doing something beneficial for some children and it kept me in touch with my o/lvl knowledge too..those good days will be always remembered....

days passed and i was anxiously waiting for my results...i don't really how to express my feelings about that day when i got my results...some kind of mixed emotions....anyway it wasn't bad..and the time came for me to decide what i really wanted to do...continue with A levels or start a course ,etc...i had too many options and it drove me crazy thinking about the options...on one hand my mum did'nt want to send me away from the country..and on the other hand i started a nursing..i still can't beleive myslef that i took that decision..doing something i have 0 interest and when i started attending the lectures and sessions, i thought it would change...but as my 'options' were still on my hand i had to again think about that..i had a golden opportunity to study in abroad and explore new things in life..i was afraid to take the opportunity thinking that i may not be able to reach upto their expectations..but i got suggestions and advices from friends and family that i should give up the diploma thing...and start the A levels in lanka and go for something better..i guess god has some better plans for me than i beleive i have for myself..
if i had continued with diploma, within few years i'll be working in hospitals as a nurse..and today when i think about my future,i think of much better plans for one of my friends said , 'dream big dreams'...insha allah, i will accomplish my dreams..

so here i am, in srilanka to start A level here and i beleive that i shouldn't be taking this very lightly....and i have to thank my brother for everything he's doing for me..never failed to provide me with every facility i needed here...and other family members for supporting me so much and beleiving in my potential...futhermore , taking care of me and making me beleive that i belong to them..

Monday, March 23, 2009

learn to live again...

in my life i have seen people shifting to new life styles and changing relationship..if you are not satisfied with your relatonship ; try to solve it peacefully..but when it goes beyond your reach its better to leave it to the time...why to suffer when you've got better ways to live happily..always remember that its not others who thinks about your life and thinks about your future..its your resposibilty to take your life to your real destination..and for that you need the courage and self esteem..things happen but to live this life we have to fight against them and land to our dreamland...'failure is the stepping stone to success' might have dreamt of becoming a great person or get the top in school or college..infact everybody does..because its not bad to dream..dream big dreams...Failure is one of the toughest things to deal with and happens so frequently in life, on various levels, that learning to deal with it canaid how we approach all types of endeavour. No one likes experiencing failure, but every attempted goal includes the possibility of failure as well as that of success...we never want to loose the things we love so much..but everything has a time limit in this life..people come and go..some just leave footprints in our hearts and they leave this world leaving their memories behind..but we have to learn to live the life wothout them..may be its your life partner ,your boyfriend/girlfriend or a relative or a very close friend..we have to learn to live with their memories though they will be not be with us anymore...we dream of things which are out of our reach..and we live in our dreams but dreams may die, but never get shattered because the world is big and has lot more to give..pick up a new dream because thats the way to live...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

what does it means when parents fight???

When your parents are fighting, thoughts might start rushing around in your head: Why are they shouting at each other? Does this mean they don't love each other anymore? Are they going to get a divorce?

It can be easy to jump to conclusions when you hear parents argue. But most of the time, arguments are just a way to let off steam when parents have a bad day, don't feel well, or are under a lot of stress — kind of like when you argue with them.

Like you, when your parents get upset with each other they might yell, cry, or say things they don't really mean. Most people lose their cool now and then. So if your parents are fighting, don't always assume it means the worst.

Happy, Healthy Families

If your family argues from time to time, try not to sweat it: No family is perfect. Even in the happiest home, problems pop up and people argue. Usually the family members involved get what's bothering them out in the open and talk about it. Hopefully, they can reach some compromise or agreement. Everyone feels better and life can get back to normal.

Being part of a family means everyone pitches in and tries to make life better for each other. Arguments happen and that's OK. But with love, understanding, and some work, families can solve almost any problem.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

war on gaza...loss of innocent lives...we muslims have to help our muslim society....

ފަލަސްޠީނުގެ ލޮބުވެތި އަޚުންނާއި އުޚްތުން ތިޔަބައިމީހުންގެ މަދަދަށް އެދެއެވ

ލިޔުއްވީ: މުޙައްމަދު އަނީލް [ނޫރުލް-އިސްލާމް.ނެޓްގެ

ކަސޯޓީ ބަލަން ޓީވީ ދޮށުގައި ތިބޭއިރު ލޮލުން ހޯސްލާފައި ކަރުނަ އޮހެއެވެ. އޭގެ ބަޠަލާއަށް ނުވަތަ ބަޠަލަށް ދިމާވާ ހިތާމައެއްގައި ބައިވެރިވެލުމުގެ ގޮތުންނެވެ. އެއީ ބަޔަކު ކުޅެފައިވާ ޚިޔާލީ ތަމްސީލެއްކަން އެނގޭ ޙާލުގައިވެސް ރޯ މީހުން މަދެއް ނޫނެވެ.

އެހެން ނަމަވެސް އަދުގެ ދުނިޔޭގައި މުސްލިމުންނަށް ޖެހިފައިވާ ބޮޑެތި މުޞީބާތްތަކާއި ވޭނާއި ކެކުޅުމުގެ ވާހަކަ ޚަބަރުން ބަލަން، ޕޮޕްކޯންތަށި އަތަށް ލައިގެން ދެފައިވަށްކޮށްގެން ސޯފާއަށް އަރާ އިންނައިރު އިނދެވެނީ ހެވިފައެވެ.

އިހަކަށް ދުވަހު މުޅި ދުނިޔެ އެއްއަޑަކުން ގުގުމަމުން ދިޔައީ އޫރާއި މަކުނުގެ ދަރީން، ފަލަސްޠީނަށް އާ ޙަމަލާތަކެއް ދޭން ފަށައި، އެތައްސަތޭކަ ނިކަމެތި މުސްލިމުން މެރި ވާހަކައެވެ. މަރުވި މީހުންގެ އަދަދު ރެއާހަމައަށް 300 އަށް އަރައިފިކަމަށް ދުނިޔޭގެ ޚަބަރުފަތުރާ ވަސީލަތްތަކުން ބުނެއެވެ.

އަނިޔާވީ މީހުންނާއި، އެބައިމީހުންގެ ގޯތި ގެދޮރު ގެއްލުނު މީހުންގެ ޢަދަދު ދެނެވޮޑިގެންވަނީ ﷲއެވެ. އެހާ ގިނައެވެ.

ލޮބުވެތި އަޚުންނާއި އުޚްތުންނޭވެ! އަމާންކަމާއެކު، ނިދާފައި ގޭގައި އޮންނައިރު ވިސްނާށެވެ! ހަމަ ތިބާގެ މުސްލިމު އަޚުންތަކެއް ފަލަސްޠީނުގެ ޣައްޒާގައި ޔަހޫދީ ފައުޖުގެ ޙަމަލާ އަންނާނީ ކޮން އިރެއްގައިކަން ނޭނގޭ ޙާލު، ބިރުވެރިކަންމަތީ ނިދަން ނުކެރިފައެވެ. ނިދައިފިނަމަ، ހޭލެވޭނެކަމުގެ އެއްވެސް އުއްމީދެއް ނެތެވެ. ނުވަތަ ހޭލެވޭއިރު ގޭގެ އަހުލުންގެ ތެރެއިން ޙަމަލާގެ ޝިކާރައަކަށްވެ ނިމިދާނީ ކިތައް މީހުންތޯ ވިސްނެއެވެ. އެބައިމީހުން އެ އުޅެމުންދަނީ މަރު އަތަށް ލައިގެންނެވެ. އެމީހުންގެ މުސްލިމު އަޚުން ކަމުގައި ދަޢުވާކުރާ އަޅުގަނޑުމެން މިތިބީ ހެވިލާފައި އުފަލުންނެވެ.

އަހަރެމެންގެ ޙާލަށް ބަލައިފިނަމަ، އަހަރެމެންނަކީ މުސްލިމުން ބާވައޭ ހިތަށް އަރައެވެ. މުސްލިމުންގެ މިސާލު ބަޔާން ކޮށްދެއްވައި، ރަސޫލުﷲ ޞައްލަﷲ ޢަލައިހި ވަސައްލަމް އުއްމަތަށް އިރުޝާދު ދެއްވާފައިވަނީ މުސްލިމުންނަކީ، އެކަކު އަނެކަކަށް އެހީތެރިވެ، އެކަކު އަނެކަކަށް ރަޙުމްކޮށް އެކަކު އަނެކެއްގެ ހިތާމައާއި އުފަލުގައި ބައިވެރިވުމުގައި އެއްހަށިގަނޑެއްގެ މިސާލު ކަމުގައެވެ.

ދެން އަމިއްލަ ނަފްސާ ސުވާލުކޮށްލާށެވެ! ތިމަންނައަކީ މި ބުނާ އެއްހަށިގަނޑެއްގެ މިސާލުގައިވާ އުއްމަތުގެ މީހެއްތޯ ނުވަތަ ނޫންތޯއެވެ.

އަޅުގަނޑުމެން އުފަލާ އަރާމުގައި، ކައިބޮއެ، ނިދައި މަޖާކޮށް، އިސްރާފުކޮށް ހެދުމުގައި އަވަދިނެތި އުޅޭއިރު އަހަރެމެންގެ ލޮބުވެތި މުސްލިމު އަޚުންތަކެއް، ފަލަސްޠީނުގެ ޣައްޒާގައި އުޅެމުންދާ ނިކަމެތި ޙާލު އެނގިލައްވާ ތޯއެވެ؟

ތިބާގެ ލޯބިވާ ދަރިފުޅަށް ނުވަތަ ކޮއްކޮއަށް ބަލާލާ ފަހަރަކު ހަނދުމަ ކުރާށެވެ. އެ ނިކަމެތި ކުޑަކުއްޖާއެވެ. މަންމައާއި ބައްޕަގެ ލޯބިން މަޙުރޫމްވެފައި، އަޅާލާނެ މީހަކުނެތި ބޮޑު ސަހަރަކަށް ބީވެފައިވާ އެ ކުޑަކުއްޖާއެވެ. އޭނާގެ މަންމައާއި ބައްޕަ މި ދުނިޔެ ދޫކުރީ ޔަހޫދީންގެ ޢުދުވާނުގެ ސަބަބުންނެވެ. އަނިޔާވެރިންގެ އަތްދަށުވެއެވެ. ވިސްނާލާށެވެ. ރެއާއި މިއަދު އެ ކުއްޖާއަށް ކާނޭ އެއްޗެއް ނުލިބުނެވެ. މިރެއާއި މާދަމާ ކާނެ އެއްޗެއް ހޯދާނެ ތަނެއް ނެތެވެ. ސަލާންޖަހަން އަތް ދިއްކޮއްލާނެފަދަ މީހަކު ނެތެވެ.

ލޮބުވެތި މުސްލިމުންނޭވެ! ތިބާގެ ޢައުރަ ނިވާ ކުރައްވަން ހެދުމެއް އަޅާއިރު، އެބައެއްގެ އައުރަ ނިވާކުރުމަށް ފޭރާމެއް ނުލިބި ތިބި ތިބާގެ މުސްލިމު އަޚުންނާއި އުޚްތުން ހަނދާން ކުރާށެވެ. ތިބާގެ އަނބި މީހާއާއި އަންހެންދަރިފުޅު، މަންމައާއި ދައްތަ، ހެޔޮ ޙާލުގައި ސަލާމަތުންވާތަން ފެންނަ ހިނދު ހަނދާންކުރާށެވެ. ތިބާގެ މުސްލިމު އުޚްތުން ތަކެއްގެ ޢިއްފަތް ފޭރިގަނެވެނީއެވެ.

ތިބާ ބަލިވެގެން ހޮސްޕިޓަލަށް ގޮސް ބޭސްކުރާއިރު ވިސްނާށެވެ! ފަލަސްޠީނުގެ ބިމުގައި ބަލިވާ މީހުންނާއި، އޫރާއި ރާމާމަކުނުގެ ދަރިފަސްކޮޅު (ޔަހޫދީން)ގެ ޙަމަލާތަކުން ޒަޚަމްވާ މީހުންނަށް ފަރުވާ ކުރާނެ ބޭހެއް ނެތެވެ. ހޮސްޕިޓަލްތަކަށް ބޭސް ގެންދެވޭނެ މަގު ވަނީ ބަންދު ކުރެވިފައެވެ. މިޙާލުގައި ތިބި ނިކަމެތި މުސްލިމުންނަށް މަތިން ޔަހޫދީންގެ ޢުދުވާނުތައް ރެއާ ދުވާލު ދަނީ އޮހެމުންނެވެ.

ކާބޯތަކެތި ރަށަށް ވެއްދުން މަނާކުރެވިފައިވާ ޙާލު، އެރަށުގެ އަހުލުވެރިން ކާއެއްޗެއް ހޯދުމަށް ރަށުން ނުކުތުން ވެސް ވަނީ މަނާ ކުރެވިފައެވެ މިޙާލުގައި އުޅޭ މުސްލިމުންތަކެއް ފަލަސްޠީނުގައި އެބަ އުޅެއެވެ. އެއީ ބައެއްގެ ޢުދުވާނުގެ ދަށުގައި ވެފައިތިބި ނިކަމެތި ބައެކެވެ. ތިމަންމެންގެ އިލާހަކީ ﷲ އޭ ބުނުން ފިޔަވައި އެހެން އެއްވެސް ސަބަބެއް ނެތި އަނިޔާ ލިބެމުންދާ ބައެކެވެ. ތިމަންމެންގެ އިލާހަކީ ﷲ އޭ ބުނުން ފިޔަވައި އެބައިމީހުން ކުރީ ކޮން ކަމެއް ހެއްޔެވެ؟؟

ލޮބުވެތި މުސްލިމު އަޚުންނޭވެ! ފަލަސްޠީނުގެ މުސްލިމުން ތިޔަބައިމީހުންގެ މަދަދަކަށް އެދި ގޮވަނީއެވެ.

އޭ ދިވެހިންނޭވެ!! ﷲ ގެ ޙަޟްރަތުން އެފަދަ ދަތިކަމެއް އަހަރެމެންގެ މައްޗަށް އައުމުގެ ކުރިން، އިސްލާހުވެ، އެ މުސްލިމުންނަށް ޖެހިފައިވާ މުސީބާތުން އެމީހުން ސަލާމަތް ކުރެއްވުމަށް ދުޢާކުރައްވާށެވެ.

އޭ ހައްދަވާ ގެންގުޅުއްވާ އިލާހު!! ހަމަކަށަވަރުން ޔަހޫދީން މުސްލިމުންގެ ބިމުގައި މުސްލިމުން ނިކަމެތިކޮށްފިއެވެ! މުސްލިމުންގެ މައްޗަށް އަނިޔާވެރިވެ އަނިޔާވެރިކަމުން އިސްރާފުކޮށްފިއެވެ. އެބައިމީހުންގެ މައްޗަށް މުސްލިމުންނަށް ނަޞްރު ދެއްވާނދޭވެ!! އިބައިލާހުގެ ކުޅަދުންވަންތަކަމުގެ ކުރިމަތީގައި އެމީހުންނަކީ އެއްވެސް ބައެއް ނޫނެވެ. އެބައިމީހުންނަށް ޢާދު ބާގައިގެ މީހުންގެ މައްޗަށް ފޮނުއްވިފަދަ ޢަޛާބެއް ފޮނުއްވާނދޭވެ. އެބައިމީހުންގެ މަކަރުވެރި ރޭވުންތައް އެބައިމީހުންގެ މައްޗަށް ރައްދު ކުރައްވައި، މުސްލިމުންގެ ޙަރަމް ޔަހޫދީންގެ އަތްދަށުން ސަލާމަތް ކުރައްވާނދޭވެ.!! އިބައިލާހީ ދުޢާ އިޖާބަކުރެއްވުމުގައި ދީލަތިވަންތަ އިލާހެވެ. އާމީން!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

oooopss..did i do that??

haadha varakah avas aruvaalainney dhoaa..!!

vara vissaara dhuvaheh..scul ah sign kuran dhaan avaha ready vegen avas avahaa gein nikuthymeve..nikuiy iru dhoru kairyga kuda bahattafa hurithanun kuda nagaigen avaha hingai gathymeve..eyru vaarey nuveheythy kuda nagan nuves visnameve..ehen namves 2 block dhookoffa dhevunthanaa hen vaarey vehen fetti eve..avaha kuda nagaa hulhuvan eyga inna thankolhakah press kollan aiy nagaali iru eyga ekahal thankolheh neiy kan enguneve...rangalha balailymeve...oooopppssss oooohh noooo...hifain mi aadhevuny kuda eh nun...iloshifathi...hehehe

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Gift of a New Year

Here’s to the year
that’s almost past its expiration date—2008.
We all had some surprises, didn’t we?
Some good, some distressing.
Let’s use everything we got from our experiences,
everything we learned,
to enrich the new year.
Here’s to the new year, 2009,
a gift we haven’t opened yet.
May its bright, shiny package
contain even more than we hope for.

And even while we’re delighting in new treasures,
let’s appreciate fully what we already have—
the blessings we take for granted.
Make a list, and check it twice.
And here’s to all you wonderful people
(wave glass around to encompass the whole group)
who are putting up with my toast;
I hope in the new year
you see yourselves the way I see you:
intelligent, interesting, and likable.
(Raise glass) To 2009:
May it give a whole new meaning
to the phrase, "the good life."

Sunday, December 28, 2008

fallin in love with a name...

each and every one of us will have someone special in life as a can touch us one time and it lasts for a lifetime.. falling in love with your lover means loving everything which belongs to him/her or everything related to him/her..however there are some people who fall in love with the name....

this is a story about a guy i met, who loves the name rau...

bus bus bus kobaathaaa??? who's dat guy starin at me!!!! ...oh bus came..i hurried to get into the bus and found a seat for me..on the other side of the same row sat that guy.and a man of about 25 sat next to me..aargh :@ ...the stranger guy ws lukin lil wierd at da man sittin next to me...he waitd for me to come out from the bus and waited for me to buy a ticket for the ferry..he asked my name but i didnt damn care about what he asked and said..but i do remember his name.. naav (not the real name)..since that day he used to follow me and and roam around when i stand near the bus stop...always askin for my i didnt give any attention to him and his questions...i had a little teddy bear tied on my some of my friends when they didnt kno my name calld me teddy and always calls me by that name in the terminal and wherever they see me in hulhumale' i think he also would have heard them callin me teddy..days changed to weeks and weeks to night i had to go to school (aminiya) for an extra i was waiting for the bus where naav was also waiting but he got a taxi and asked me to come in..but i refused and waited for the bus..he left..when i reached the terminal a ferry also left..but naav waited for me..he sat next to me in the ferry..and asked me my name..atlast i told my name..'um call rau or raufa'..he stood speechless as though he couldn't beleive his ears..and laid his head on his knee..he was crying...ohmg did i say anything wrong..i asked several times then he got up and said that he'll never talk to me again...watt!!strange hu'h... i got v curious to know the i didnt leave him like that..cox i don't want anybody to stop talking to me for no i asked him many times, he gave me the reason...
'in everyones life there'll be some girl or a boy special...the one they truly my life there's a girl who love me a lot..and i love loadz...but the girls family didnt want her to be with me..they wanted her to marry another i didnt wanted her to do anything against her parents..she was ready to be with me and start a life with me against her i had no choice..i acted in such a way that she was forced to believe that i don't love her....i smiled for her and wanted her to be happy with her family..but inside me was dying...this happened few weeks back...and her name is raufa...i call her i decided not to talk to anyone about her and never wanted to talk to anyone named raufa or that i can try to erase her from my mind to some extent..

we reached the male' terminal then..i listened to him carefully but wanted to be friends..i gave him my number and on next week i shifted to male'..but he always asks my friends to convey his regards to me...and texted me and calls me rarely..i used to advice and encourage him to start a new life..however i often go there and visit my cusins and day i went there for an overnight...he called me and he said that he wanted to tell something...but didnt want to tell me thinking that i might get angry..i promised that i won't get angry and will not break the friendship....then.....he proposed'h mee??? on the spot..... i rejected his proposal...i knew he was a good guy and he's a nice friend..but at the same time keepin in mind that he's so much in love with that name that he propsed me jux bcox my name is rau..somedays he used to send me wierd smss actually sending to the other raufa...i get confused a lot..i adviced him to start a new life but then also he decided to be with a rau..hehe..he accepted my rejection and we are just friends now.. :D

-the end-

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

eid dhathuru

what is the best thing to do when you ar feeling down???

There are people of different taste..different people have different techniques of doing things...our activities, likes and dislikes sometimes changes with our mood...however when i feel down, first thing which i mostly do is collect the whole issue in my mind and let tears flow out..after all the tears flush from the eye i'll feel much better..but still nothing will be erased from my mind and will be spinning in my head the best thing which i think to do is to share my problem with gives an ease and makes me feel much better after vomiting out all which disturbs me now and friends are my strength....and some special frnds are there with whom i feel free to talk and to whom i can count besty is a special person in my life with whom i share almost all my secrets, happiness..not only sharing with friends but spending sometimes alone near the beach also comforts me..a place where there's no other one but the nice breeze and the crashing of waves which makes a beautiful sound..moreover listening to some soft music and hanging out with friends also gives a relief from the tension and pain...and one thing when feeling moody, i don't like to get involved in any activity which needs concentration to do...and people can see a clear change in me when i'm feeling down..its the saddest thing because i try a lot to hide it..and when anyone asks me what's wrong?? .. i become more weaker...but i never loose hope...somewhere deep inside my heart i hav a belief that nothing is impossible though it may be difficult..take life positively and make up your mind...people can advice you when you are feelin down...but unless you accept your mistake and take life positively happiness will not welcome you....
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